Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What If Time Travel Were Real (1)

What if time travel were real? What would we do? Would mankind change history or would we just leave everything the way it is? Personally I think that time travel would be really cool but at the same time I think that it could be very bad for mankind as well. It is cool because we could actually go back in time and study the time era. It would make it easier for man to study certain time periods that we do not have that much information about. We could learn more about the Neanderthals and other humans that were prominent in that time. We could also confirm evolution theories by going back in time and tracking the specimen in order to see if and what they evolve into. All of these things would greatly enhance the knowledge of humans. Although time travel could possibly be good it could also be potentially bad. Going back in time could possibly change the future. The future could be changed for good or worse but it would be hard to tell. It would be bad to go back in time to change one thing and the result turned that the United States does not exist anymore. I think that changing one little thing could really thwart history. I say this because if something is changed and that event were significant to one person then that could affect their whole life, changing their thoughts and their life in general. I think that even if there were such thing as time travel that it would be best not to even go back in time even though we could learn a great deal about a lot of things. Time travel would interfere with the natural flow of life and I believe that this natural flow should not be interfered with.