Monday, September 28, 2009

I think that education can act as an instrument to integrate the younger people of a generation into the logic of the current times, and also as a way for people to be intellectually free. Education is a way for people to advance mankind. It has given mankind way for us to build upon the knowledge of other people, which allows them to advance society. This has given the human race new technologies that have made life a little bit easier. Education has also enabled mankind to understand more about the natural world. Without education mankind would regress, resulting in numerous lifestyle changes. One of these changes could possibly be a shorter life expectancy.

What a weekend!

So this weekend I decided to go back to Jackson to visit, and to do my observation of a restaurant. Well the weekend turned out to be horrible. I do not know when the last weekend was as bad as this one was. It started with me stressing out about all of the homework that I have due. I took my computer back with me so I could be productive and get some work done. I was not able to get anything done because my computer's mother board went out. So now I am without a computer for about three to four weeks and I have a lot of homework that has to be done online. Also I do not have the convenience of doing my homework on my computer in my room and I have to go to one of the computer labs on campus to get anything done. Another thing to add to all of this I have only had the computer since May.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

observation Proposal

I think that I am going to do my observation of people in a restaurant. This observation will include everyone including customers, and employees. The observation will occur during the business hours of the restaurant and maybe while the restaurant is closing I will get consent from the owner and let him know what the observation is for. It is surprising how many people come and go, and how one person can affect all of the workers in the restaurant. The observation time should be around anywhere from one to three hours. This observation will open the readers eyes to what it is like as a customer and an employee both.

Monday, September 21, 2009


I never thought that I would get homesickness but within the past week I have realized that I miss being home now than I ever have. I think the only reason that I am feeling a little homesick is because I do not get to see all of my family and friends. I can't help thinking about home because there is just so much going on there. Also it is kind of hard not to be homesick when you live about an hour away, but you cannot go home because you have to perform at a football game. Sometimes I wish that I could get all of my family just to move here while I am attending the university, but this is just all part of the experience of being a college student. So I will just get over the homesickness and keep on going with all of my experiences.

Powers of Observation (In class conversation)

During the in class conversation, I noticed that the participants would get quite throughout the conversation, showing that they felt a little uncomfortable. This also showed that they were really unsure what to talk about being in front of the class. Also it seemed as though they did not want to do the exercise. During the conversation you could here several different interruptions. If you wanted to hear what they were saying you really had to concentrate and listen really closely to them. When they were given the random topics they really did not know what to think or what to say in order to get the conversation going to a point where they could keep it flowing. Overall I noticed that if you take someone out of their normal surroundings and put them in a group of people and tell them to talk then they will think of the scenario as awkward, making it awkward.

Powers of Observation (video)

The first time that I watched and observed the video in class we did not know what to expect. In class I looked at the main ideas and details but did not pay close attention to the small or minute details. Upon completing the exercise again on my own I noticed that I was able to point out more details than the first time. From this exercise I learned that observation is very important and that the smallest distractions could result in missing a point rather main or small. I have also learned that the more i watch, listen, or see something I am able to point out more. I believe that if I would have had the time to actually look at and evaluate something I could observe more. The same thing is true about listening to videos, songs, and people talking period. If you were to put both together they will give the viewer a better understanding of the points that someone is trying to get across.

Monday, September 14, 2009

As I sit here all I can think about is my friends and family and how much they mean to me. They can lift you up on your gloomiest days and sometimes they can put you down on your brightest days but no matter what you can always count on your family and your true friends. First things first your family will always love you no matter what and will help you in times of need. Friends on the other hand can be a little tricky. Some people just pretend to be your friend but when it comes down to you actually needing and depending on them they can leave you high and dry, but on the other hand your true friends will always be there for you and will help you out in any circumstance. I have seen people gain and lose friends in a heart beat, including myself. Also, I just wanted to let everyone know how much my friends and family mean to me and I hope that my friends are true friends and not the pretenders. My family and most of my friends have stayed by my side in some of the hardest times of my life.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Autobiographies are important because they give people a way to leave a part of them behind. Also autobiographies give people a way to understand why a person acts, thinks the way they do, or the way that person is perceived throughout their life. This understanding lets people sympathize with the author of the autobiography or just let the reader know what it was like for the author. An autobiography is some one's life story written by them, where as a biography is the story of some one's life written by another person. Autobiographies actually lets the reader know what the person is thinking or feeling because it is written by the person themselves. A biography does not give the reader that luxury because the writer does not know what the person they are writing about is feeling so they can only give the facts about their person they are writing about. Autobiographies are worth reading because they give the reader an insight to the person they are reading about. The reader can learn everything about the person they are reading about including the way the person thinks and why that person thinks the way they do. Autobiographies are much more in depth than biographies because of these things and are definitely worth reading if you are trying to learn about a person.
When I was little it did not occur to me that my parents meant so much to me, but as I got older I found out that they meant so much to me. I realized this when I was in the second grade. I can remember the day like it happened yesterday. As I got up and got ready for school I decided to call my mom for something; I can not remember why I called her but I believe that I called her to tell on my little brother for something that was not even important. While we were talking I ended up getting mad at her too for no reason. I continued to get ready for school. My brother and I walked out to the bus stop to wait on the bus, on this cold February day in 1999. We continued on to go to school and through the rest of our day, little did we know that this day would change our lives forever. The day continued on and as it got closer to time for school to let out we got a surprising call to go to the office for dismissal. When I got to the office my dad, uncle, and brother were already waiting for me. I thought that I was just getting out of school early and I was happy about that. The ride home was really quit the only sound in the car was the radio playing. When we got home my dad took my brother and me around the house to the porch and we sat down. He went on to tell us that my mom had a car wreck that morning and that she and my aunt did not make it out of the wreck alive. I could not believe what I was hearing I was so distraught that I went inside and cried until I fell asleep. Upon waking I thought that I had just had a bad dream, so I went and asked my dad if the wreck really did happen and he confirmed that it did. The sad thing is that when I got done talking to her that morning I did not tell her bye and that I loved her, instead I was mad at her. The fact that I was mad at her still haunts me till this day. Her death also helped me realize that everything happens for a reason even if we do not understand why at that particular time. Then about two years later my dad committed suicide making my brother and me orphans. My uncle adopted both of us, so that the state would not try and take us away or try to separate us, but the real reason he took us in is because he loved us and wanted to step in and be our father figure. I am really glad that he did this for us. Looking back, I see that if these events would not have happened then I would not be where I am today nor would I be the person I am. These two events changed every aspect of my life.

2.This passage tells people that I am a strong person that looks for the good things in life.

3.Actually that is the way I want to be perceived except I do not want people to look at me and feel sorry for me or think that I am depressed.

4. I believe that people can relate to this through sadness and if they can not then they will sometime in there life.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

RCWW HW Pgs. 7, 23, 24, and 25

Answers for Pg. 7

1. The last time i wrote something really difficult was last year in english. The paper was my research paper on Nathaniel Hawthorne's use of Puritan New England in his works of literature.

2. The first thing that i did for my research paper was to research Hawthorne's life and read some of his works. Next, I made notecards and collected my thoughts. I went into as much detail as i could about Hawthorne to give the reader an idea of why he would use Puritanism beliefs in his works. Finally I put all of my thoughts and notes down on paper and began to type the report.

Answers for Pg. 23

1. split, lose, paused, considered, vanished, rounding, tailed, picked, follow, ran, coming, chased, glanced, choking, expected, quit, strained, pounding, sliding, trained, point, forget, aim, dive, compelled, impelled, running, improvising, running, choosing, failing, give, losing, chased, caught, stopped.

2.paused, considered, vanished, rounding, tailed, picked, to fling, split up, to point, coming, chased, glanced, choking, expected, strained, pounding, sliding, trained, compelled, impelled, running, improvising, running, choosing, failing, losing, chased, stopped.

3. "We kept running, block after block; we eept improvising, backyard after backyard, running a frantic course and choosing it simutaneosly, failing always to find small places or hard places to slow him down, and discovering always, exhilarated, dismayed, that only bare speed could save us - for he would never give up- and we were losing speed."

"He chased us throught the backyard labrynths of ten blocks before he caught us by our jackets."

Pg 24

1. [dressed] in city clothes: suit, tie, and street shoes; thin, pursuer, hero, captor, sainted, skinny, furious, redheaded, pants legs wet, cuffs full of snow, snow on his shoes and socks.

2. "You stupid kids", perfuntorily, ordinary Pittsburgh accent, normal righteous anger, usual common sense.

3. Dillard's description of the man lets me see the man as a young, redheaded, successful and upset at the kids for performing an immature act.

1. She named it "the perfect snowball". perfect white snow, perfectly spherical, and squeezed perfectly translucent so no snow remained all the way through.

2. every breathe tore my throat. This makes me think that the day was so cold that you would be short of breath just by walking outside and also how fatigued she was from running.

pg. 25

1. perfuntorily, redundant, formality, passionately, brooded, desmembered, piecemeal, Panamanian jungle, exalting.

2. she wanted to keep the chase up because she was scared, but at the same time she was having fun.