Monday, September 14, 2009

As I sit here all I can think about is my friends and family and how much they mean to me. They can lift you up on your gloomiest days and sometimes they can put you down on your brightest days but no matter what you can always count on your family and your true friends. First things first your family will always love you no matter what and will help you in times of need. Friends on the other hand can be a little tricky. Some people just pretend to be your friend but when it comes down to you actually needing and depending on them they can leave you high and dry, but on the other hand your true friends will always be there for you and will help you out in any circumstance. I have seen people gain and lose friends in a heart beat, including myself. Also, I just wanted to let everyone know how much my friends and family mean to me and I hope that my friends are true friends and not the pretenders. My family and most of my friends have stayed by my side in some of the hardest times of my life.

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