Wednesday, September 9, 2009

When I was little it did not occur to me that my parents meant so much to me, but as I got older I found out that they meant so much to me. I realized this when I was in the second grade. I can remember the day like it happened yesterday. As I got up and got ready for school I decided to call my mom for something; I can not remember why I called her but I believe that I called her to tell on my little brother for something that was not even important. While we were talking I ended up getting mad at her too for no reason. I continued to get ready for school. My brother and I walked out to the bus stop to wait on the bus, on this cold February day in 1999. We continued on to go to school and through the rest of our day, little did we know that this day would change our lives forever. The day continued on and as it got closer to time for school to let out we got a surprising call to go to the office for dismissal. When I got to the office my dad, uncle, and brother were already waiting for me. I thought that I was just getting out of school early and I was happy about that. The ride home was really quit the only sound in the car was the radio playing. When we got home my dad took my brother and me around the house to the porch and we sat down. He went on to tell us that my mom had a car wreck that morning and that she and my aunt did not make it out of the wreck alive. I could not believe what I was hearing I was so distraught that I went inside and cried until I fell asleep. Upon waking I thought that I had just had a bad dream, so I went and asked my dad if the wreck really did happen and he confirmed that it did. The sad thing is that when I got done talking to her that morning I did not tell her bye and that I loved her, instead I was mad at her. The fact that I was mad at her still haunts me till this day. Her death also helped me realize that everything happens for a reason even if we do not understand why at that particular time. Then about two years later my dad committed suicide making my brother and me orphans. My uncle adopted both of us, so that the state would not try and take us away or try to separate us, but the real reason he took us in is because he loved us and wanted to step in and be our father figure. I am really glad that he did this for us. Looking back, I see that if these events would not have happened then I would not be where I am today nor would I be the person I am. These two events changed every aspect of my life.

2.This passage tells people that I am a strong person that looks for the good things in life.

3.Actually that is the way I want to be perceived except I do not want people to look at me and feel sorry for me or think that I am depressed.

4. I believe that people can relate to this through sadness and if they can not then they will sometime in there life.

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