Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Hot Zone reflection

The Hot Zone has opened my eyes up to a whole new world. A world that I did not even know existed. I never knew about the Ebola virus or understood it until I read the book. As I read the book it described several cases of the Ebola virus breaking out. These cases were described very well and to an extent that could frighten the reader. The book made me aware of the virus and the different strands of it. This virus is a level four biohazard, which means that the virus is very dangerous. It has to be handled with extreme care. The scientists that handle the virus have to wear space suits in order to do their research. This is to keep the scientist from contracting the virus and dying. If the person does catch the virus then they will more than likely die a horrific death. The virus starts off by giving the patient a headache. As the virus progresses to the next stage the person will bleed from the nose. Eventually the body pretty much decomposes while the person is living. The internal organs begin to fill with blood and start to turn to liquid. This would be a horrible way to die. It makes me think, what if the virus got out and started to spread in a major city? Could this virus thin the human population by a significant amount or could it wipe humans out all together if given the chance? It could be a possibility because it is so deadly. This virus is very deadly to primates and can even jump species so it does make me wonder all of these things. I think that the book really did open my eyes up to the virus because before I read the book I did not know what the Ebola virus was. I believe that this book could strike some fear into people and make them more cautious.

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