Wednesday, May 5, 2010

What if guns did not exist? What would this world be like? I think that if guns did not exist then the world would be a completely different place. There would be more people alive because of there would not be any gun accidents, mishaps, or gun crimes. Why should people use guns all the time, it just shows that people are very violent in nature. Although I am not against guns, sometimes I wish that they did not exist because of all the accidents that pertain to guns. People play around with the guns as if they were toys, but in reality they can be tools of peace or destruction. It just amazes me how people do not take guns serious. It also amazes me to how people do not check to make sure the guns are unloaded before cleaning them. I know that I was always told not to play around with guns. I have also been told to not point a gun at anyone unless it is for protection. It amazes me that there are so many accidental deaths due to guns every year. Why can't the human race learn to take all of these precautions seriously. I think that people take these precautions way to lightly and that is why we have so many accidental deaths from guns every year. I also think that people should open up their eyes and see what this world is coming to because right now everyone is blind unless they lose someone that is close to them due to an accident with a gun. It just makes no sense. Are humans really that cold, or heartless, that they don't care about other people. Personally, I think that people should cherish every moment that they have with someone and just care for each other because you never know what will happen. My last words on this topic are to love the ones you cherish while they are still here.

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